She has many other temples. Seriously the best gifts for weddings, Temple Sealings, Christmas, birthdays...anything! Or get one for yourself like I did! :)
Get your temple print here!
A little about our newest adoption:
2 years ago we decided let's adopt again. With our oldest three children we were matched fairly fast. This last adoption we waited 2 years, we had 3 failed adoptions and one we lost a lot of money on. I was praying to Heavenly Father if we were really meant to adopt again. Was this a sign to give up? I had this empty hole in my heart telling me there is another child out there but it wasn't easy getting this baby. So after a few years of some ups and mostly downs in the adoption area we adopted a baby boy. Once we chose our lawyer we were matched right away and he was born a few months later.
What a great experience to be there for his birth, stay in the hospital with him and see God blessing our family after all we have been through. I was instantly in love. I just stare at our baby boy Madden and think I am so glad he came to our family and that it all worked out the way it did. My heart feels whole and I don't feel emptiness any more.
Now I tell everyone adoption is beautiful and amazing. But it is an emotional roller coaster for both parties. But it is so worth it. God has his hand in the adoption process for sure. So many things have to fall perfectly into place and you see miracles constantly with adoption. Each one of my kids have their own special story how they came to us and I cherish that so much. When I think how they came to our family it just builds my testimony so much because I know Heavenly Father had a huge part of it.
With adoption you have many wonderful experience but my favorite is going into the temple as a family and being sealed. We had a wonderful experience in the temple and I am so glad we could all go in as a family and my kids could experience this. We have gone 4 times to be sealed with each kid but this time felt even more special. I think it was because my 3 older kids were older now (not toddlers and babies) and I knew they would remember this moment the rest of their lives. Madden was such a good baby too and seriously smiled and laughed almost the whole time in the temple. It was a day I will never forget!
Pictures from Madden's sealing (Gilbert, AZ Temple) July 29th, 2017

People who came to the sealing minus people in our ward. They left and missed the pictures outside.
One of my blog posts wouldn't be complete without a Free Print. I thought this print was perfect for this post!
This print is a 16x20 but it can also be printed as an 8x10