
The Three bears of baptism - Free tags!

I recently just heard about the "The Three bears of baptism"  which is from Mosiah 18:8-10. These bears remind us of the covenants we make with our Heavenly Father when we are baptized.  I thought it would be fun to make some tags for baptism gifts or goodie bags. 

Tags: You can use them to make a card or tag. Print the 3 tags (on one page) on a regular size piece of paper (8.5"x11".)

Fun Baptism gift ideas....
Tie the tag to a Teddy Bear.
Put the tag with a Build-A-Bear gift card.
Attach the tag to a bag of cinnamon bears or gummy bears.
Any treat/toy bear themed would be cute and fun. 

DOWNLOAD HERE: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3851/14965864605_045d2af40f_b_d.jpg

Bag Toppers:  Print as a 4x6. Fold it over any bag to make it a topper.
Would look perfect with a bag of cinnamon bears or gummy bears.

 DOWNLOAD HERE: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3884/14779182269_1e554cb667_b_d.jpg

I also found this on Sugardoodle.net.  It explains the 3 bears if you wanted a story to go with it... http://www.sugardoodle.net/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=451:the-three-bears-&catid=507